Saturday, November 19, 2011

Snowman Activities from Pinterest (Part 2- Review)

So, as I said, yesterday was my little man's 3rd birthday (hard to believe!)

I am a theme person. I like themes. Themes make everything easy. You can pick a theme and run with it.

When I asked my son what he wanted on his birthday cake, he said "Sponge Bob". This is peculiar- as I don't ever remember him watching this show. And, I'm not into Sponge Bob.

So I decided a good theme for a little boy's 3rd birthday in November would be SNOWMAN.

Being a teacher, I had a few ideas. But with Pinterest, there is no need to spend hours searching and searching for things.

But of course, you have to be REALISTIC. I mean, I consider myself crafty with an above average skill level, but there are a few factors: 
 1. It's for a little boy's 3rd birthday. Most 3 year olds don't care about decor.
 2. Only close friends and family are invited, and most of them don't care about decor.
 3. I'm not going overboard- money wise, time wise or decor-wise.

So of course, I hit the dollar store. I found some cute things to give away to the kids. But I needed more.

I found this:

And I thought- OK! Some powdered donuts, some choc icing and a nose. Would be cute on the munchie trays.

I couldn't find the mini donuts, but I found 6 powdered donuts for 99cents. They are probably stale, but I figured they are only for looks.

I bought a tube of icing at the grocery store for $2.29. I used it for the eyes and the mouth. I used baby carrot pieces for the nose.

Super Easy. Here is my version:

Then I found this:

Looks cute! I found some snowmen with coconut and this one with sugar. I wanted the kids to be able to make them themselves, so I tweaked it a bit.

I thought, maybe a "make your own snowman" station would be good. So, I collected what I thought might work.

I bought large marshmellows, mini-marshmellows, toothpicks. For the record, I bought the Oreos for the hats, but my husband and son ate them. So we didn't have hats.
The night before, I put the faces on some marshmellows so that it would be dry for the kids and we wouldn't have to mess with it in the fury of activity. Of course, the plate of those marshmellows were left in the house.

Here is what the kids came up with:
Ok, so its really my example. For the record, I wouldn't try and use that icing again. It didn't have a tip on it (I thought it would fit my other tips, but it didn't). I ended up putting in a ziploc bag and snipping the corner off to make a pasty/icing bag like in the awesome photo below:

Then I saw these:

Since my little guy loves Timbits- I thought I would try it. However, I ran out of time. I had the chocolate to dip them, but didn't have the other stuff, so I improvised. I went through the Drive Thru of Tim Horton's and asked for 9 powdered Timbits. They thought I was nuts. I came home and used popsicle sticks and then some chocolate icing as glue and the rolos for the other snowman (see above). They were cute!

 Oh, and don't use the chocolate icing because it doesn't stick to the powdery-ness of the timbits.

So, my first review of stuff on Pinterest. I bet you are thinking I'm really not that crafty. If I had been having a party for adults, I might have paid more attention to detail. Oh, and I promise to get way better photos next time.

Please leave a comment or a request!


  1. You know what I LOVED most about this post...IT WAS REAL...that it was for a 3 year old who doesn't give a flip about decor! It was real and fun, and CUTE :) I bet the kids loved it :)

  2. Loved this post! I love that you used the icing for glue and that you gave the review of not using icing on powdered doughnuts .. I would of tried that! LOL Keep em coming ... and I just may end up at the drive-thru myself so I can make these with my girls just for fun! :)

    Rachel :)

  3. Thanks ladies.

    @Rachel- if you buy the powdered donuts you can just add a popsicle stick and the top hat (the oreos that my son and dh ate). You could dip them like cake pops, but if they are already powdered, they look snowy!

    @Katie- yes, things for myself I might be a bit more fussy, but for a 3 year old! He just loved seeing the idea. He wasn't too concerned about the falling off hats- just meant he could eat more rolos!
